Sailing is a Dangerous Sport, Part 1

Sailing is a dangerous sport for Heidi Esther. Though she’s recovering from her sorted past, can she now enjoy it? Or will her differences with her wife ruin it for good? For Part 2, the conclusion, click here!

I have a confession. 

A dozen years ago, this summer, I had an addiction. Toward the end of every week, I’d get excited. Ready for my first hit. The adrenaline high coursing through my veins. I dreamt of it. I knew, as long as I was patient, it would come.

By Friday morning at seven, it was go-time. Sometimes Daddy wasn’t even awake. My two toddlers and I were like quiet and efficient mice. I buckled them into their toddler seats, cranked up the sing-a-long CD, and drove to Dunkin’ Donuts.

what the heck is she addicted to??? read on to find out!

How I Reprogrammed my Speak and Spell

Why, God, why can’t I just sleep in?

My ears wake to a familiar seagull-like whine. I try not to move in bed, as if my complete stillness can make it go away. Nonetheless, the whine continues.

My step-dog Elvis and his strict wake-up time is the cause of much grief in my world. Say there was a thunderstorm for three hours overnight that felt like God was shining a faulty fluorescent light. And, say Elvis was awake in our bedroom for all those hours. He will still wake up at the same time.

Is Heidi esther’s day, once again, lost to the dogs?

Today’s Lesson from the Bullies

I shake my head. Over the next ten minutes, I fill the void of the house with swear words of technological frustration and install the software to see the files. I take a sip from my second cup of coffee, and click on the resume doc, hoping it will load.

Unlikely Discrimination Series 2 of 2. Read the first story here!

The Next Lesson from the Bullies

The next weekend, I’m sitting at my crowded dining room table. Two stacks of papers, books, and an unopened laptop in front of me, connected to an external drive. Dark-wooded windows, heavy-lidded from the rainy early-Spring weekend afternoon. A tall dark buffet, inches behind my seat, taking up more air. A yellow-checkered Goodwill lamp across the room does nothing to combat the gloom.

I open up the laptop and take a deep breath. I have to leave my job. My hands clench in frustration. I can’t handle my boss anymore, ignoring me and not talking to me. I notice a clenched jaw to go along with the fists, and stretch them both out wide, ready to stretch open to a new job.

You ever have a job search to escape your current environment? i hear ya!

Discrimination from the most unlikely place (1 of 2)

There is as much love and connectedness at the country club as around my Goodwill-furniture living room.

(Unlikely Discrimination Series 1 of 2. Second story coming July 7) Click Here to Listen to this episode!

“Good morning, Deb. Good morning, Karen. Mornin’ Becky,” my boss says as he racewalks to his office. Various polite versions of Good Morning are said in exchange. He glances at me without saying a word, clutching his coffee. He stops next to my desk, turns his gaze, and peeks into the next office.

not even a hello for Heidi Esther? What is she gonna do? read on, compassionate soul!

Help! I’m Lost in the Closet

Or are they all members of a secret Birkenstock club?

Out of the Closet

“Mommy, can I watch a show with Barbie?” my little hazel-eyed preschooler asked. Like a mom-ninja, I wipe the last of tears from my eyes. But before I could answer, his eyes grew big, pointing at a large pile of clothes on my bed.

“Mommy, what happened to your clothes?”

what happened? read on, beautiful soul!

Chicken Sweaters and Your Personality

Chicken sweaters. Star Wars. Workplace Confrontations, and Your Best You. A soulful Love and Light Warrior you need in your life. Check her out!

Can you guess? Well, they both could be cuddly. Or Colorful. Or a little hole-y. But here’s an answer you may not have guessed: Heather Kokx! This woman crochets chicken sweaters to keep hens safe AND guides you towards your best Y-O-U. As an enneagram coach! Boom, baby.

read more about heather and how she deals with bullies!

Ready to float downstream in the Rolling Meadows?

ZRRRRRAAAAACCCH. Again, the noise. ZEEEEERRRACH. Again, louder. The noise sounds like it could be harmful.

I’m laying on a patchwork quilt beside a happy little stream where a family of ducks paddles by. Around me are the rolling meadows. Here, the soft grasses are tall, with sweet, little flowers. The early summer sun is gentle and low, yawning and stretching her arms, blanketing a part of the sky in a mellow orange. Which caresses and intertwines fingers with the light blue of the day, like lovers parting.

This place sounds too good to be true… do you think so, too? Read on!
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