SuperStep 1: Your Three Legs of Support

Welcome to SuperStep 1: Your Three Legs of Support. The First of Five SuperSteps in the SoulSanity Everyday Superhero Method!

yes, of course there’s a story! read on, curious human!

Trapped with love: Our Corona Waiting Game

Covid Series 2 of 2. First story here!

Stacey and I get home from Covid testing. 

Living room. Family meeting. 

oh no! who’s in trouble now? Read more!

When one door is barred off…

I can’t go anywhere without my pillow, which, to be honest, can be replaced by one towel.

I sat there, in a looks-like-Voldemort’s-Ministry-of-Magic-Boardroom. The third story of a law office in our midwestern downtown. My cold, clammy hands clutched a legal agreement. I looked up from the papers to the outside.

but what does the paper say??? read on, valiant soul!

Attack of the Teenage Quarantine

Jason and his wife came over for football. New friends, who live next door, love wine, AND can talk football with my wife? A PANDEMIC MIRACLE. So, we went all out….

(Covid Series 1 of 2. Second Story is HERE)

The Wednesday that wasn’t

I cozied into my found-on-the-curb-and-it’s-perfectly-fine-with-two-pillows-see? desk chair. ⅓ caff coffee on the candle warmer. Fairy lights twinkling in my Apple Knockers cider jug. My favorite daytime sweatpants, warm out of the dryer. It’s gonna be a great day. 

that sounds lovely! I wonder what happens next? Read on!

Hamster Series 2/2: Welcome to the World’s Toughest Hamster

Hamster Series 1/2: Big Mamma Love for a Little Fur Ball Hamster Series 2/2: Welcome to the World’s Toughest Hamster

Two days later, in the early morning.

Barbara (shuffling in the kitchen with a long face): Mom, Batgirl is shaking again.

She hugs my robed-self tightly from the side. I wrap my arms around her. 

Me: People also get like this, at the end, too. It’s just that we give them medicine. 

Barbara: It’s not fair. 

Yes, it might be time for a kleenex. Read on, sweet animal-loving soul!

Hamster Series 1/2: Big Mamma Love for a Little Fur Ball

Wow. I’ve never seen her hold anything with so much care. 

Me: You’re like a hamster-whisperer.

Barbara: LOL, Mom.

Hamster Series 1/2: Big Mamma Love for a Little Fur Ball Hamster Series 2/2: Welcome to the World’s Toughest Hamster

A Texted Conversation from the Humane Society

Barbara (My 11-year-old daughter): OMG Mom! Is that a hamster? 

Me: Yep! What do you think? He just came in. 

Barbara: He is super cute! And not like Herman. 

Me: Do you mean because he’s a different color?

Barbara: Yes, and he’s so small. 

Me: No, it’s just the black fur, he’s another Siberian hamster. We’ll still have to use the rat cage. 

Barbara: LOL, OK 😀

loving this hammy? what will happen next? Read on!

Where in the world is Melissa Wilhelm?

Welcome to the inaugural Love and Light Warrior Spotlight! Take a break, grab your favorite pet (just don’t let the others know!), and meet fellow warriors committed to spreading joy, self-awareness, and acceptance in our world. For more info, go to the official page here!

Is this also going to talk about WHO melissa is? You betcha! Read on, dear soul!

Gaming Series 2/2: What is the internet teaching my daughter?

Barbara: We’re going to the castle in the clouds.
The next 20 seconds is lovely. Our boat docks.
Barbara carries me and the egg over to…a plank??

Gaming Series 1/2: What happened when I tried playing Roblox, Gaming Series 2/2: What is the internet teaching my daughter?

Adopt Me!

Barbara and I go through the Roblox “stylizing” process once more (I don’t change a thing) and are dropped in a cartoon town at wintertime. Even when I fall in the lake, I still skate like Snoopy. Brilliant.

An egg starts following me around.

Me: Barbara, there’s an egg creepin’ on me…

I thought this game was about pets?? Maybe it’s about reptiles! Read on to see the hatch!

An infinite, ancient Christmas gift for you

Or, as Dr. Seuss more-eloquently said, “Today you are you, that is truer than true. There is no one alive that is youer than you.”

It is four days after the winter solstice. The sun graces our northern hemisphere a couple more minutes each day. Bringing gifts of awakening and light. And the promise of vaccines bringing the gift of life at the end of this horrific pandemic tunnel, too.

And it’s Christmas!

What kind of gift is an ancient one??? Sounds interesting! read on!

Gaming Series 1/2: When I tried playing Roblox

Are we raising children who are too lazy to virtually work for virtual money? I don’t like my survivability prospects.

Gaming Series 1/2: What happened when I tried playing Roblox, Gaming Series 2/2: What is the internet teaching my daughter?

In sweet memory of childhood Christmas breaks filled with my brothers and I playing video games.

Me: Okay, Barbara, I’m ready if you are. 

Barbara in her thermals, and I in my fleece nightgown settled down for a long winter’s nap fun winter’s break. 

OHHH! I wonder what they’re going to play? Read on and find out, joyful spirit!
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