What happened to my new life: The grey days

Placing her hand on my heart.

Stacey: And you need time to see how amazing you are and love yourself, too.

God, thank you for putting Stacey in my life.

A crappy grey day in February, 8 years ago

Sitting at my dining room table, staring at my quiet phone.

The floor and trim, ebony. Walls, an impersonal white. One side, an equally ebony oversized Goodwill china cabinet, filled with my everyday dishes, glasses. My small kitchen sucks. The other wall, covered in preschool artwork. The table itself, awash with crayons, paper, glue. They went to Dad’s house in the middle of craft time. I’ll pick that up later, I said two days ago. An ass-cold day, throwing sleet on the window. The useless overhead light casting a smoke-stained glow. 

Nobody likes you.  

Say it ain’t so! How could that be? what’s going on with her?

Where in the world is Melissa Wilhelm?

Welcome to the inaugural Love and Light Warrior Spotlight! Take a break, grab your favorite pet (just don’t let the others know!), and meet fellow warriors committed to spreading joy, self-awareness, and acceptance in our world. For more info, go to the official page here!

Is this also going to talk about WHO melissa is? You betcha! Read on, dear soul!

So, I didn’t know I was IN a closet…

Yes, I’m not going to pay $25 for two Panera Salads for lunch for someone I don’t like!

Playdate Gone South

She slammed a door in my face! 

Mary, my best friend. 

I just couldn’t believe it – I froze.  I don’t know if the source of our toddlers’ fight was my son or her daughter. Whatever. That was bullshit. 

For the record, no friend has ever slammed a door in my face. 

seriously, i made 3 new year’s resolutions to be a better friend. see what – or who – knocks on heidi’s door next!

One Lunch that was too big to Stomach

Not in a box. Not with a fox. Not in a car. Not in a bar. Not here OR there.

PSST! Scroll to the bottom of One Lunch Too Big and claim your FREE Gift! Hint: It involves soap 🙂

God, I so miss going out to lunch…

My face turned hot. My lips pursed. My stomach lurched. I quickly grabbed my fork and knife and concentrated on cutting my pizza into toddler squares. Still listening to Betsy. 

Betsy: A woman I’ve known for a year. How could I not see? Was I, now, my own social media filter? Has she been presenting facts that I, simply, could not, would not – recognize? 

what’s so different about betsy? And why is heidi freaking out about it? read more!

Country Club Series 2/2: Aunt Flo Strikes Back

Country Club Series 1/2: It’s the Most Aunt-Flo-der-ful, Country Club Series 2/2: Aunt Flo Strikes Back

After one beer and 14 hours of work

I’m sure it’s sweat. It’s after dark and still in the 90s. 

I scan the landscape. For the darkest path. In case Aunt Flo decided not to leave. Bee-atch.

Okay, can’t walk-run to my car. My purse is in the office. Breathe. My next steps:

  1. Cross the Welcome station
  2. Walk ½ way up the Circle Drive 
  3. Get past the Valet-guarded doors
  4. Dodge outcoming bathroom crowd
  5. Walk 20 feet into a No-Escaping-Notice office 

I’m sure I’m fine.

is she fine? OMG, I can’t even watch. Why didn’t she double up, dear god, why???

Country Club Series 1/2: It’s the most Aunt Flo-der-ful…

Country Club Series 1/2: It’s the Most Aunt-Flo-der-ful, Country Club Series 2/2: Aunt Flo Strikes Back

Biggest. Party. Of. The. Year.

Two giant tents – filled with properly-placed napkins and gourmet picnic food on silver chafing dishes. A live pop cover band tests their equipment, which means you don’t have to bring your 9-iron today. Or plaid pants. Unless you really want to. 

can you smell the cut grass and the grill? Read more to hear about “the wrinkle”

Engagement Series 3/3: Sponge Bathing, with love

Honestly, I just thought play meant sanitizing and rotating the kids’ toys. And you don’t care that I shave my toe knuckles or …

Engagement Series 1/3: How Can I Love You? Engagement Series 2/3: The Return of the Ring Engagement Series 3/3: Sponge Bathing, with love

6 Months after Proposal, duffle bag on the floor

Me: I’m sorry. You know I love you, right?

Stacey (wiping tears): It doesn’t feel like it. 

Allllright, what did Heidi do now? And what does that have to do with sponge baths? read on!

Elvis Series 3/3: The end of the Dog-inning

What does a dog know about codependence? Apparently, a whole lot.

Elvis Series 1/3: 10 Things I hate about her dog , Elvis Series 2/3: The Fire Swamps, Elvis Series 3/3: The end of the Dog-inning

You CAN teach an old dog new tricks! 

I was witnessing a miracle! Every step was a God-send. 

Here’s how it went down:

Walking a bag of dirt is what it’s like walking elvis. Normally. Behold the miracle & read on!

Why Joyfully Ever After? And why now?

(Why Joyfully Ever After is a continuation of this story.) In a dark and cozy bedroom May 14, 2020: I wake up for the day. Feels off. What time is … Continue reading “Why Joyfully Ever After? And why now?”

(Why Joyfully Ever After is a continuation of this story.)

In a dark and cozy bedroom

May 14, 2020: I wake up for the day. Feels off. What time is it? 4:23 am. How am I awake right now? That’s weird.

I fell back to sleep.

May 15, 2020: I feel great today! Wait. It’s still dark. 4:37 am. Hmmm.

Rolled over. Fell asleep.

Is this gonna be like groundhog day? maybe. but shorter and at night (spooky) :O

God hides under the kitchen table for 35 years?

this is God.
I’ll be handling all of your problems today.
Have a miraculous day.

Heidi Esther’s negative-ninny mind has got her cornered again. How is she supposed to live when she feels like – she’s – a mistake? She finds an answer under the kitchen table…

8 years ago in a treehouse

I blew my nose in the last kleenex. I sat in a dark corner of my bedroom, my arms hugging my knees. Across from me: a wall of windows. The day was bright. My view was shaded, showing a lush, leafy vista. I pulled my hoodie strings tighter around my head. 

Why was Heidi so sad? It looks like such a nice day outside! Read on to find out…
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