Here’s a little story from recent travels that I hope lets you know that you, beautiful soul, are unforgettable.
read this when you need a little boostCategory: Codependence
Increase your awareness of and unlearn joy-sucking codependent behaviors. What are they? Think low self-esteem, people pleasing, avoidance, and controlling.
Are you ready to be an Everyday Superhero?
Are you Ready to be an Everyday Superhero?
YES!! You can save your everyday! Peace in your Head. Joy in your Heart. And Mindfulness in your day. You can become an Everyday Superhero!
Actually, I have a secret to share with you.
OH! I love secrets! click here to find out!Agreement 3: Don’t make assumptions
“Why would they not even tell me this when it happened – two years ago?”
We’re knee-deep in the MomSanity Four Agreements Series! This month-long series shows how I try to adopt the Four Agreements. What are The Four Agreements? They are four simple, profound ways you can choose to walk in life that will transform it. Given to us by the wise Don Miguel Ruiz, the third agreement is: Don’t make assumptions
Agreement 1 / Agreement 2 / Agreement 3 / Agreement 4
Nothing like a 20th High School Reunion
I stood there, waiting to clean up, in my long dress and tired feet. Stacey, my fiancee, squeezed my hand. Mmm mmm mmm mmm by the Crash Test Dummies played in the background. A calming base to the noise of my high school classmates leaving the bar. Six months of planning, and all I got were a night-full of cold shoulders and looks at me and Stacey. Damned anti-gay conservative suburban classmates.
I sniffed up tears as I paid the bill. I did some quick math in my head, and the first smile of the night crept across my face. “Hey!” I exclaimed to the few who stayed after to clean up. “We raised almost fifteen hundred dollars towards our class gift!”
Now, you might have a question here. Don’t high school classes give gifts to their school at graduation? Yes, but…
oh no! What happened with heidi esther’s class gift? Read on, brave warrior!Agreement 2: Don’t take anything personally
Welcome to Heidi Esther’s morning with… the dogs. What will she find on her slipper at the bottom of the stairs???
Welcome back to the SoulSanity Four Agreements Series. These stories show how I, Heidi Esther, work on adopting the Four Agreements. What are The Four Agreements? They are four simple, profound ways you can choose to walk in life that will transform it. Given to us by the wise Don Miguel Ruiz, the second agreement is: Don’t Take Anything Personally.
Agreement 1 / Agreement 2 / Agreement 3 / Agreement 4
A morning fit for a highly intuitive sensitive
A faint whine like a seagull meets my ears. Too early. I roll away from the sound. Soon, a louder whine emerges. Why? I lean up and squint to make out the first number on my clock: five. UGH. I turn on ocean shore background noise to complement the seagull whine coming from my step-dog, Elvis. Like I’m sleepin’ on the beach.
I get a feeling that more seagulls are coming…. read on, wise warrior!Agreement 1: Can you Be Impeccable with your Word?
I came back to work early. Then, I heard my name, loud and clear, from the other side of the door. My manager’s door.
Welcome to the SoulSanity Four Agreements Series! These stories show how I, Heidi Esther, work on adopting the Four Agreements. What are The Four Agreements? They are four simple, profound ways you can choose to walk in life that will transform it. Given to us by the wise Don Miguel Ruiz, I welcome you to the first agreement: Be Impeccable with your Word.
Agreement 1 / Agreement 2 / Agreement 3 / Agreement 4
A quiet office
I stepped into my shared office. My post-lunch belly as happy as a dolphin. The afternoon sun glowing through the mini-blinds.
While it’s nothing fancy, I like my non-profit office. Two uncluttered desks surrounded by filing cabinets, and a clean floor as often as we vacuum.
The office lights were off. My officemate was behind the door, a few feet from my desk. That’s right, today is her review. Like a ninja, I put away my afternoon chocolate and drew my chair.
And that’s when it happened.
From the other side of the door, I heard, “Yea, and Heidi…”
it never feels good when people talk about you behind your back…. read more here!Family Night, Shamly-Night, Who needs Family Night?
Barbara’s spinning the recliner chair, again? I wonder what happened?
Post-Dinner Bliss
It is Wednesday at 6:27 pm. My belly content from a healthy dinner. My body hitting relaxation mode as I exit a clean kitchen. Like it never happened is our new family motto for the kitchen. That’s how clean it needs to look after breakfast, second breakfast, hot lunch, snack, tea time, and dinner. It’s working pretty well.
I pause as Stacey, my wife, wraps a block of frozen something in a kitchen towel to thaw overnight. I turn off the light.
With devilish excitement in my voice, as if suggesting dessert for breakfast, “jammies?” Stacey gives me the nod of approval.
Ohhh! I wonder what Jammy family night will be?? Read on!Naptime with the Sweetness
A story about napping sounds lovely. What could possibly go wrong?
The Starting Block
I wipe the corners of my mouth. My half cup of minestrone soup and a half slice of whole wheat bread are but a delicious memory now. Thank you, the fifth decade of my life, for letting me know that portion-control is a thing.
I have come to that soft, quiet, pause after lunch. The kids are still doing homework. Stacey is reading with her “Come any closer and I’ll punch” Hulk sign up. The sun warms even the floorboards. No thoughts of chugging Diet Cokes or “what should I be doing now?” invade my brain. No, there are more important games afoot…
Sitting at the kitchen table, I can feel it coming. I let it completely envelop me. My body relaxes, agrees. Yes, it’s
ohhh, this sounds nice! can’t you envision some massage music in the background? Read on!Welcome to the Sweet Life
It’s been two-and-a-half years since our lives changed.
August 2018
Two chestnut-brown eyes gaze into mine. Inches from my face, my heart pounding. My hands, sweaty. Could she be the one? Though I’ve just met her, my heart is swollen with love. In a place I didn’t know was empty; discarded. She is my missing piece.
Wait a cotton-pickin’ second! Isn’t Heidi esther already married to stacey? What’s going on here?The Great Cup Experiment of 2019
I have to get on his email list. This dude is legit. Oh no, what is Heidi Esther in for this time?
Tribe Conference Day 3: Sunday.
If you want to know where I am, read this story first.
First speaker: Joseph Michael
Holy crap! This man is a miracle. With three kids at home and his mortgage past due, what does he do? He records tutorials for Scrivener in his car on lunch breaks. In no time, he makes so much that he quits his day job & lives happily ever after. Now he is a motivational speaker.
I have to get on his email list. This dude is legit.
what does this joseph guy have to do with heidi Esther?? He’s not even a writer!Just who do you think you are?
Written in honor of International Women’s Day 2021 #IWD2021 #ChooseToChallenge
Hey amazing soul! You can CLICK HERE to see me read it on Facebook!
I am recovering woman. Watching the boys following His dreams. "Wanna hear another dumb blonde joke?" I am recovering woman. Waiting for husband to come home from work "I cannot live without you."you bet this is a totally righteous poem! Read on, worthy soul!