4 Steps on How to find a career when nothing interests you

Have these words ever graced your big, beautiful brain?  God I don’t know what I want to do with my life? or So, how to find a career when nothing interests you? You, brave, generous soul, are in the right place to find an answer. Heidi Esther is a career coach for women and a certified emotional intelligence life coach with your next 4 moves.

A Story

working woman and mother going mad while sitting with children, wondering is this it and how to find a career when nothing interests you

I sat there, on the floor of Meijer grocery store. You know, that aisle that has all the fish tanks at the back? 

My large, full shopping cart off to one side, a pink bundle of sleepy, slow-drinking baby in my lap. Next to me, my toddler shoveling handfuls of Cheerios into his mouth, staring at the fish. Cheerios spilling everywhere.

I closed my eyes and heard the ice cream dripping from the bottom of the shopping cart. 

But I wasn’t sad or mad. This was my life!  I prevented another complete meltdown. And that’s the exact moment when a familiar thought punched through my mile-long to-do and to-clean and to-care for lists…

Is this it?

I stared at the fish tanks. All those fish, swimming around and around the little castles and fake plants. I wondered if they ever had that question.  

read more of this fishy story, beautiful!

What good are savings if you are dying?

I typed this into the chat box, to a message to my wife. No, no, both of us are healthy middle-aged people. Just as tired and achey as the next middle-aged parents, coming to grips with sore hips, backs, and eyes that now need reading glasses. For those minor inconveniences, I am daily grateful. Nothing a little more yoga, patience, and five pairs of expertly-placed reading glasses around the house can’t solve. 

but what is really going on here? Read on, intrepid traveler!

3 minutes to revolutionize your love

Revolutionize your love? It takes three minutes to align with your self and your self-love. Here’s the scoop!

Hello, sweet soul and friend. How are things going? And how are you taking care of your big heart today? For me, it’s been an odd month. Changing schedules, covid outbreaks, clogged drains. In other words, life!

So, schedules. During the past month, I all-but-abandoned a part of my morning routine. Today, I started it up again, and it felt like coming home. To me. To why I love myself. It helps me remember me – ALL of me – when I get lost in productivity, books, helping others, and even house cleaning! Here are three sentences you can write down to wrap yourself in love at the start of every day 🙂

Love-Your-Infinite-Self Morning Routine 👇

click to get the three phrases!

5 To Thrive

Jump to the 5 to Thrive Quiz!

A story… Recently, I woke up and I felt off. About 20 minutes into reorganizing my bathroom closet, I realized that I was in hard-core avoidance mode. As I weeded out the slimified old lotion bottles, I knew it was time.

I sat down and cried. I didn’t judge or question myself. I journaled. THEN, that afternoon, I connected with two friends to process the meltdown.

crying is so hard. that’s why god invented brownies.

Living Guilt Free

I sat there, yesterday, on my bed. My hot laptop staring right at me. My legs aching from laying flat; my middle-aged back screaming “you know, you have a desk for work now!”

But my stomach and head weren’t listening, despite the nagging. It had been three hours since my last break. All was well. All my tabs closed, well, except….
Except my personal email tab. The purple outline of my google chrome browser was still open at top of my screen, haunting me.


What if you had No More Guilt?

Hello beautiful! How are you, and how are you taking care of yourself today? Have you had a chance to put the cold weather aside and practice gratitude for the sun bathing your bed or your favorite chair? You guessed it, my dogs and I have been jockeying over sun spots.

Me? Well, other than winter sunning, I’ve been working like a surgeon. Carefully piecing apart, investigating, and putting together how I feel about all that I’m doing. About what drains me. What brings me energy. What brings me joy. Life asks a lot of us: to take care of family, dogs, work, passions, house, bills, Facebook, volunteering, and even ingrown toenails. (Yep, I’m in-between procedures and the first was a Doozie!) So, all those important things had to be put to the side to listen.

And to do that, I had to do something that would have been impossible, just a couple years ago.

I had to show guilt the door.

How did I do this>> I had to say that rebalancing my energy, dreaming my future, and reconnecting with my joy, had to come first. I asked for help with dinner. I meditated, napped, and stayed off Facebook. I actively told myself that I am worth my dream. That it’s okay to take time to figure out what that is, if the way is unclear. That it’s okay to love myself even though I’m a hot mess. I am worth putting my happiness first.

The Result>> Once I believed in my worth and joy, there was no more guilt. I stood up for my worth and my joy, unencumbered by what others thought or did.

So, my beautiful friend, this is what I want to share with you: You are worth all the time and quiet and space you need to connect with your love, joy, and purpose. Period. Because you are a magnificent gift to our world. You are worth standing up for. 🧍‍♀️🥰 🌎 💕

For you>> I’m going to be chatting weekly about the path I took from an unaware, guilt-ridden, and isolated young momma to finding my joy. I call it “Peeling Your Onion”. I’ll also have some new conversations with some new friends. Also, the Live with Heidi and Heather Shows is airing monthly on YouTube, too, to talk Joy, Happiness, and Freedom.

My first “Peeling the Onion” chat airs today on my Facebook and Youtube pages. Go here to watch it live or I’ll send it to you next week via email. Would love to know if showing guilt the door is something that you would like to know more about 🙂

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