
The Freedom Shower of no Regret

Howdy, beautiful soul! How’s it going in your heart today? You meeting each morsel of life, fully-present and absorbed in the miracle that is existence, or are there deeper, darker thoughts afoot?

Deeper thoughts that involve one or more of the following trails:

If I only coulda said this…

If I only woulda done this…

I shoulda known better…

These are some of the strongest leading trails of thought that are big clues. To what? Regret.

Regret is a mighty foe. It not only keeps you unforgiving about what you did/said in the past, it keeps the lens from which you view life darkened, distorted. In yoga, they call this kinda viewpoint on life avidya. Avidya definition: ignorance specifically : blindness to ultimate truth. I know, Regret is a true Joy Block.

So, how can you be at your shiniest, most joyful self, with regret? You can’t. But, here’s what you can do.

Today I’m here to let you know how you can rinse some of your avidya away, so you can embrace and get closer to YOUR ultimate truth, which is Joy and Love.

Let me know what you think!

sending you love, light, and soapy bubbles of healing,

Heidi Esther

🎁 FREE GIFT! Free printable of the Freedom Shower of no Regret? Click here to get it + the OG Freedom Shower as a bonus!

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Don’t know what to do? Ask

Hello, sweet soul. Do you ever get in a spot where you don’t know what to do? Either because you are in shock, at a loss for words, or wound up with intense emotions?

Last week, I started a lovely live YouTube convo with a new friend in my basement office. Thirty seconds after going live, my son called me. Twice. Later, I could hear my dog barking, for like ten minutes.

After my convo, I realized I had sent my son to the wrong hair salon; the new hairstylist wouldn’t take checks or a card over the phone. And my daughter didn’t think barking would bother my show from upstairs.

Coming into the kitchen to get lunch and apologize to the hair stylist, I saw dishes all over. Which are the kids’ duty while they are home in the summer.

So, full of both remorse and irritation, I started chuckling.

Really? Laughing? Yep.

During that live conversation, not five minutes prior, I had a tarot reading. In this reading, an “extra” card that popped out of the deck. What was that card? It told me I will be best served today by tending to my emotions.

Tarot. It’s not a Ouija board. It’s not a crystal ball. It’s not for witches or psychics.

Tarot is a powerful personal development tool for everybody to channels your intuition and flow knowledge right to your grey matter. Like that wise, unfiltered, and honest second opinion you’ve been waiting for.

What do you need? An open mind.

Is it helpful? In a way, it saved one human’s life. When they didn’t know what else to do, Ej, the tarot reader on my show, turned to tarot. They share some of their journey with me, in the show.

Listen to the powerful journey (yes, interrupted but always authentic!) Through The Looking Glass with Tarot Sage Ej Merrifield. You can book a reading with them at

Soon, you’ll be able to find them @TrailsEdgeTarot on instagram. They hope to educate and empower other humans to find knowledge and healing from tarot, too. Watch and listen today.

And, here are the decks Ej talked about…

Ready for more empowering tools to get you to joy? Listen to more convos here!

When Emotional Tsunamis hit your fan…

Staring at the horizon above the meadow at a tree-lined subdivison, my anger smokes out my fingertips. My body is in a yoga pose, called Warrior Two. Which always looks to me like an archer stance, ready for battle.

oooh! This sounds tough. Let’s go.

5 To Thrive

Jump to the 5 to Thrive Quiz!

A story… Recently, I woke up and I felt off. About 20 minutes into reorganizing my bathroom closet, I realized that I was in hard-core avoidance mode. As I weeded out the slimified old lotion bottles, I knew it was time.

I sat down and cried. I didn’t judge or question myself. I journaled. THEN, that afternoon, I connected with two friends to process the meltdown.

crying is so hard. that’s why god invented brownies.

5 Caring Mindset Tips when life gives you lemons + 2 Best Mindset Books

dreamy woman with cat resting on sofa at home

When life gives you lemons, how can you develop a positive, caring mindset to process and move forward with more knowledge and confidence? Here’s your answer.

TL:DR Go straight to 5 Positive, Caring Mindset Tips or 2 Best Mindset Book Recommendations

Don’t gloss over your hardship. Greet it like a dear friend, who is ready to help you clear the way for more of your brilliance. For in the clearing, new buds will emerge to provide you new light, breath, and growth. Yes, Phoenix, you will rise again.

Heidi Esther, when life gives you lemons
read on for story and tips!

Living Guilt Free

I sat there, yesterday, on my bed. My hot laptop staring right at me. My legs aching from laying flat; my middle-aged back screaming “you know, you have a desk for work now!”

But my stomach and head weren’t listening, despite the nagging. It had been three hours since my last break. All was well. All my tabs closed, well, except….
Except my personal email tab. The purple outline of my google chrome browser was still open at top of my screen, haunting me.


Who Done It?

Are you intrested in a good read? Here are the main characters (albeit a bit older) in my best-selling book, For Cryin’ Out Loud.

Was it Miss Scarlet with the Rope in the Conservatory? Maybe. One of the below players, usually under the alias of Mom, is the prime suspect of most crimes under the kitchen roof. Especially if it involves plant-based food torture for teenagers. Wahahahaha!

read more to learn about the peeps – furry or not!

Ukraine: What can you do?

Hello, beautiful. How are you, and how are you taking care of yourself these days? I have one word for you today. Ukraine. Have you been following the news? I know, even for me, who doesn’t watch much news, the crisis in Ukraine is filling up the corners of my heart’s attention.

Denis, the person who compiled my audiobook, lives in Ukraine. His house and the city where he lives, Kharkiv, are in ruins. He’s evacuating his family to a different city now. I know from the news that he, as an able-bodied man, may have to fight if things get worse.

oh no. is denis okay?
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