Here’s a little story from recent travels that I hope lets you know that you, beautiful soul, are unforgettable.
read this when you need a little boostTag: honesty
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Hello, my dear! How are you, and how’s it going this week? We are bracing for a winter storm of sorts, so I made some peach sourdough bread and unearthed the snowblower. How’s the weather your way? Would love to know how you are taking care of yourself.
Just a sweet reminder that I’m thinking of you and I am also embracing my own one-of-a-kindness. And I am understanding my energetic limits and how I need to take care of myself.
The Result? I hope you like to watch because I am sharing my messages via Facebook and Youtube every week. (I’m saving my writing for launching For Cryin’ Out Loud, writing the next book, and help with Peeling Your Onion, in case you were wondering!)
Long story short, you can find all you need on my site!
- Go to This page for the most recent YouTube Episode or
- Come here for the most recent POD
- Check out the Facebook & Apple Podcast links, so you can join or subscribe there if you want!
Oh! Before I forget, I have a couple conversations coming up with some very interesting folks, plus a live storytelling (TODAY ON Facebook/Youtube), and Live with Heidi and Heather is coming back on February 16.
Sending you love, light, and laughter,
Heidi Esther
If you can’t be with the one you love…
So, if you can’t be with the one you love, do you really have to love the one you’re with? No, but it makes life a whole lot more awesome! A message of love for you for the holiday season! Or, really, any time of year
Dear miraculous and beautiful soul,
How the hell are you, my friend? Are you ramping up for the holidays caffeine-nation or finding some sweet time next to a lit tree or in a cozy nook? Or a little of both? Would love to know how you are taking care of yourself this season.
Over the past ten years, I’ve gone on a major Christmas-season transformation. From one fraught with parties, perfection, migraines, and lists longer than Santa’s. To one with fewer presents, commitments, and stillness to enjoy the darkness rising. Where are you on that holiday scale? More importantly, how do you feel about where you are at?
My family jokes every year that I used to hate Christmas. Which isn’t true.
The Truth>> I used to dread the holidays. All the doing. I am sure it was all the internal beatings I would give myself if things didn’t work out or get done in time. Yep, I was my own Nightmare before Christmas.
And, even with my resilience and mindfulness tools in my belt, I felt the pressure this holiday season. Pressure to move my business ahead. Faster.
The Messy Middle >> One day, I woke up and couldn’t work. Instead, I released some big, sad, been-workin-too-much-not-seeing-my-progress emotions. (Yes, I cried.) After beating myself up for a day, I woke up and said enough is enough.
The Answer >> Next, I opened up to Heather Kokx’s insightful words and gave myself mercy. I sat in long stillness, looking for guidance. And it came. The answer: Love myself. (Is love always the answer? )
And no matter if you hate or love all the festivities, may you dig deep to find your balance, your stillness, and your appreciation for the miracle of you.
So, would you like a quick reminder of how awesome you are? How you need to be a priority in your life? How you need to take care of yourself? Get your Self-Love Letter Mad Libs here (pdf).
And please do join us in my Facebook Group to chat about it. Would love to see your smiling heart there
More LOVE >> This week, I’m focused around helping you cultivate self-love (or self-friendliness!) in my Facebook Group. Don’t forget, I’m live every Wednesday morning 9:30 am Central in the group and on YouTube Channel. Today, I’m talking about, you guessed it, self-love!
Sending you much peace and stillness to enjoy and be proud of the miraculous gift that is YOU.
With love, light and laughter,
Heidi Esther
⍰ of the WEEK (DEC 6): What’s one thing you’re proud of yourself for accomplishing in 2021? Answer here!
NEXT WED, DEC 15, 2021 @ 6:30 Central: Holiday #LikeABoss on the Live with Heidi and Heather show on YouTube. Bring a fav drink, holiday recipe, and gift received and tune in!
What do you need in your life to move forward with confidence? The answer is in my Dead Dragon story! Loving The Dead Dragon show? Try another of Katherine’s other empowering interviews!
Pick up your Self-Love Letter Mad Libs!
SuperStep 3: Letting In
Because, honey, you ain’t gonna be honest with yourself until you stop believing the lies. And you definitely won’t put the whip down until you realize it’s in your hand.
Welcome to SuperStep 3: Letting In. The Third of Five SuperSteps in the Everyday Superhero Method! (Here are the the First SuperStep and the Second SuperStep.)
Christmas, a four-letter word
December 2009
The sleigh bells jingled against the front door. They left. I couldn’t.
I lay in bed, unable to move. Sharp hammers of pain pierce through my eye socket. My body shivers cold, covered in blankets. A couple minutes prior, it was uncovered, covered in sweat. A couple minutes before, it was laying on the bathroom floor, gripping the toilet like a safety bar on a rollercoaster.
I get them about once a month. It’s been this way since I was a teen. Unfortunately, there are periods where I get them more often, like around Christmas. And as a mom.
I missed my kids’ preschool music party. Tears run down my cheeks. I let them down.
And I’m messing up my…
It’s-gonna-be-a-Perfect-Christmas List:
- 300-page annual Grandkid photo album? Check.
- 12 loaves of Cranberry Apple bread? Check.
- Food and presents for six preschool parties? In progress.
- Church Nativity Play. Ugh.
- 200 Candy cane reindeers? Well…I let my three-year-old help. Fixing cyclops reindeers soon.
- All the usual decorating and shopping and baking and cleaning and wrapping and coffee and volunteering and crying in bathroom stalls…
My heart and head pound like the Kentucky Derby start line.
After two more trips to the bathroom, I am back in bed with a cold rag on my forehead. I close my eyes and picture my goal: January first.
I’m laying in a quiet winter woodland, with the snow blanketing my body in a soft sheet of glittery peace. I have nothing to do but breathe the cold, crisp air.
The Battle Begins
“Excuse me? I hate to interrupt, but you should use this extra time to make the Christmas cut out cookies!” Traditional Heidi jabs me with her pointed words. Who is Traditional Heidi? Lemme explain.
Imagine me with a miniature llama on each of my shoulders. The first is a miniature beige llama. She wears a 1950s housewife apron, has salon-perfect hair, and red glossy fingernails. She carries with her a dust mop, a well-behaved child on one hip, and to-do lists. This is Traditional Heidi. Traditional Heidi’s words layer on like thick frosting, with resentment and sarcasm. She likes waggling her finger at people and muttering things under her breath.
On my other shoulder stands a miniature rainbow-colored llama. She has long blonde dreads and a Holly Hobby patchwork skirt. She is Feminist Heidi. She comes with a bow and arrow, a couple of pom-poms, and a journal. Her eyes glow wild, confident, mischievous. She is herself unto no one. She gets enough sleep, and she is unafraid to speak her truth.
“You need to rest. This is your third holiday migraine…” Feminist Heidi warns.
“Your migraine is a PAIN, but you can operate a mixer. Your medicine only warns against heavy machinery,” Traditional Heidi puffs out her chest.
“But I don’t even LIKE cut out cookies,” Feminist Heidi whines.
“That’s no excuse. It’s not Christmas without them. Remember your childhood?” Traditional Heidi says while pinning on her Christmas brooch-of-the-day.
“Yes, it was a special time. You know what I liked most about Christmas growing up? Doing my homework behind the tree, surrounded by bubble lights and ornaments…” Feminist Heidi sighs, a broad smile spreading across her face, lost in her reverie…
Sharp as a needle, Traditional Heidi’s voice pricks the air.
“Focus, woman. You got perfect grades with that homework. Now, Perfect Christmas is up to you.”
I open my eyes and think of my It’s-Gonna-Be-A-Perfect-Christmas List. A little more rest, and I’ll get in the kitchen.
October First, three years later.
In the kitchen of my post-divorce duplex, I turn the page of my National Parks wall calendar. A picture of a buffalo on a snow-dusted prairie meets my gaze. My heart pounds and a knot forms in my lower back. Only three months until PAIN. Oh, sorry, I mean Christmas.
I sit down at the kitchen table. What am I going to do about Christmas? I work full time. My ex spews hate at me. My nannies are unreliable. I don’t even have extra money to overcompensate for less homemade stuff. I stare at the buffalo.
Treat yourself as a friend echos in my mind. In a friendly deep tone, like the calendar buffalo said it.
In reality, somebody said that in my Codependents Anonymous meeting this week. What does that mean? First, think about what you’re doing and saying to yourself. Second, step to the side of all that mind chatter and ask yourself “how would a friend respond to what I said?” Then do that. The goal is I learn to treat myself as a friend.
What would a friend say to my Christmas dilemma?
I have to do less so I don’t get migraines? Or I need to figure out how to not hate the last third of every year? Or that Perfect Christmas is a f*cking impossible goal, and she would hand me a drink?
Yep, you got it, sister, that friendly-Buffalo voice chimes back in in my head. Thanks, Mr. Buffalo. I’ll try to do something to not hate Christmas this year.
I get a sharpie and make a little word bubble on the calendar. I step back and look at Mr. Buffalo speaking his wisdom, “Treat yourself as a friend.” I smile a broad smile.
SuperStep 3: Letting In Quote
You can only open new doors after you decide to shut others. Because, honey, you ain’t gonna be honest with yourself until you stop believing the lies. And you definitely won’t put the whip down until you realize it’s in your hand.
Heidi Esther
The SoulJourner QUESTion
Listening, honesty, kindness, responsibility. Four of the pieces in SuperStep Three of the Everyday Superhero Method. For today, let’s focus on kindness.
SuperStep 3 Exercise: Treat Yourself as a Friend.
The next time you feel that inner struggle. That guilt. That tensing of your shoulders. That knot in your stomach. That “I have to” or “I should…” or “I can grit through this…” language come up. Stop.
- Take a break. Breathe 4 deep breaths. Or take a quick walk.
- Notice how you felt in your body before and after. When you feel a little looser, move onto the next step.
- Write down what you feel you have to do on one side of the paper.
- On the other side, write down what you will give up to do that thing. (For example: sleep/down time/dinner/your weekend)
- Below those two answers, write down the answer to one of these questions: “How would my friend respond if I told them this dilemma? What would they say?” OR “What if my best friend told me this, what would I suggest they do?”
GOAL: Over time, Beautiful Soul, you will realize that YOU are worth feeling good. You are worth all the time you need to feel fabulous, even! If, for no one else, yourself. And that’s not selfish, it’s how you become the Superhero of your Everyday. Realizing that you f*cking matter. Even more than Christmas.
Before the Everyday Superhero Course and book come out, how can you work on SuperStep 3? Stories tagged with SuperStep 3 highlight a small piece of the Letting In method. Search for SuperStep 3 on the homepage!
Overview of the Everyday Superhero Method SuperStep 1 of 5: Three Legs of Support SuperStep 2 of 5: Waking Up & Letting Go SuperStep 3 of 5: Letting In SuperStep 4 of 5: Moving Forward SuperStep 5 of 5: Getting Stronger
Agreement 4: Always Do Your Best
You made it to the last of the MomSanity Four Agreements Series! Wahooo! Here’s a link to more The Four Agreements info. Given to us by the wise Don Miguel Ruiz, the Fourth Agreement is: Always Do Your Best.
Agreement 1 / Agreement 2 / Agreement 3 / Agreement 4
Cold Shoulders
I sat at my desk, looking through my miniblinds to the parking lot. My hands retreated from my keyboard like wilted flowers as I watched two of my coworkers fast-walk to a car, out of view.
The two people I trust the most at my job went to lunch without me. And, even worse, they tried to hide it from me. I felt an old ego-driven defense spike up from my inside. I didn’t do anything wrong. They are the ones with issues.
AIEEE! doing her best might be challenging for heidi esther! read on!Agreement 3: Don’t make assumptions
“Why would they not even tell me this when it happened – two years ago?”
We’re knee-deep in the MomSanity Four Agreements Series! This month-long series shows how I try to adopt the Four Agreements. What are The Four Agreements? They are four simple, profound ways you can choose to walk in life that will transform it. Given to us by the wise Don Miguel Ruiz, the third agreement is: Don’t make assumptions
Agreement 1 / Agreement 2 / Agreement 3 / Agreement 4
Nothing like a 20th High School Reunion
I stood there, waiting to clean up, in my long dress and tired feet. Stacey, my fiancee, squeezed my hand. Mmm mmm mmm mmm by the Crash Test Dummies played in the background. A calming base to the noise of my high school classmates leaving the bar. Six months of planning, and all I got were a night-full of cold shoulders and looks at me and Stacey. Damned anti-gay conservative suburban classmates.
I sniffed up tears as I paid the bill. I did some quick math in my head, and the first smile of the night crept across my face. “Hey!” I exclaimed to the few who stayed after to clean up. “We raised almost fifteen hundred dollars towards our class gift!”
Now, you might have a question here. Don’t high school classes give gifts to their school at graduation? Yes, but…
oh no! What happened with heidi esther’s class gift? Read on, brave warrior!Agreement 2: Don’t take anything personally
Welcome to Heidi Esther’s morning with… the dogs. What will she find on her slipper at the bottom of the stairs???
Welcome back to the SoulSanity Four Agreements Series. These stories show how I, Heidi Esther, work on adopting the Four Agreements. What are The Four Agreements? They are four simple, profound ways you can choose to walk in life that will transform it. Given to us by the wise Don Miguel Ruiz, the second agreement is: Don’t Take Anything Personally.
Agreement 1 / Agreement 2 / Agreement 3 / Agreement 4
A morning fit for a highly intuitive sensitive
A faint whine like a seagull meets my ears. Too early. I roll away from the sound. Soon, a louder whine emerges. Why? I lean up and squint to make out the first number on my clock: five. UGH. I turn on ocean shore background noise to complement the seagull whine coming from my step-dog, Elvis. Like I’m sleepin’ on the beach.
I get a feeling that more seagulls are coming…. read on, wise warrior!Agreement 1: Can you Be Impeccable with your Word?
I came back to work early. Then, I heard my name, loud and clear, from the other side of the door. My manager’s door.
Welcome to the SoulSanity Four Agreements Series! These stories show how I, Heidi Esther, work on adopting the Four Agreements. What are The Four Agreements? They are four simple, profound ways you can choose to walk in life that will transform it. Given to us by the wise Don Miguel Ruiz, I welcome you to the first agreement: Be Impeccable with your Word.
Agreement 1 / Agreement 2 / Agreement 3 / Agreement 4
A quiet office
I stepped into my shared office. My post-lunch belly as happy as a dolphin. The afternoon sun glowing through the mini-blinds.
While it’s nothing fancy, I like my non-profit office. Two uncluttered desks surrounded by filing cabinets, and a clean floor as often as we vacuum.
The office lights were off. My officemate was behind the door, a few feet from my desk. That’s right, today is her review. Like a ninja, I put away my afternoon chocolate and drew my chair.
And that’s when it happened.
From the other side of the door, I heard, “Yea, and Heidi…”
it never feels good when people talk about you behind your back…. read more here!Family Night, Shamly-Night, Who needs Family Night?
Barbara’s spinning the recliner chair, again? I wonder what happened?
Post-Dinner Bliss
It is Wednesday at 6:27 pm. My belly content from a healthy dinner. My body hitting relaxation mode as I exit a clean kitchen. Like it never happened is our new family motto for the kitchen. That’s how clean it needs to look after breakfast, second breakfast, hot lunch, snack, tea time, and dinner. It’s working pretty well.
I pause as Stacey, my wife, wraps a block of frozen something in a kitchen towel to thaw overnight. I turn off the light.
With devilish excitement in my voice, as if suggesting dessert for breakfast, “jammies?” Stacey gives me the nod of approval.
Ohhh! I wonder what Jammy family night will be?? Read on!The Great Cup Experiment of 2019
I have to get on his email list. This dude is legit. Oh no, what is Heidi Esther in for this time?
Tribe Conference Day 3: Sunday.
If you want to know where I am, read this story first.
First speaker: Joseph Michael
Holy crap! This man is a miracle. With three kids at home and his mortgage past due, what does he do? He records tutorials for Scrivener in his car on lunch breaks. In no time, he makes so much that he quits his day job & lives happily ever after. Now he is a motivational speaker.
I have to get on his email list. This dude is legit.
what does this joseph guy have to do with heidi Esther?? He’s not even a writer!