Ready to float downstream in the Rolling Meadows?

ZRRRRRAAAAACCCH. Again, the noise. ZEEEEERRRACH. Again, louder. The noise sounds like it could be harmful.

I’m laying on a patchwork quilt beside a happy little stream where a family of ducks paddles by. Around me are the rolling meadows. Here, the soft grasses are tall, with sweet, little flowers. The early summer sun is gentle and low, yawning and stretching her arms, blanketing a part of the sky in a mellow orange. Which caresses and intertwines fingers with the light blue of the day, like lovers parting.

This place sounds too good to be true… do you think so, too? Read on!

Agreement 3: Don’t make assumptions

“Why would they not even tell me this when it happened – two years ago?”

We’re knee-deep in the MomSanity Four Agreements Series! This month-long series shows how I try to adopt the Four Agreements. What are The Four Agreements? They are four simple, profound ways you can choose to walk in life that will transform it. Given to us by the wise Don Miguel Ruiz, the third agreement is: Don’t make assumptions

Agreement 1 / Agreement 2 / Agreement 3 / Agreement 4

Nothing like a 20th High School Reunion

I stood there, waiting to clean up,  in my long dress and tired feet. Stacey, my fiancee, squeezed my hand. Mmm mmm mmm mmm by the Crash Test Dummies played in the background. A calming base to the noise of my high school classmates leaving the bar. Six months of planning, and all I got were a night-full of cold shoulders and looks at me and Stacey. Damned anti-gay conservative suburban classmates. 

I sniffed up tears as I paid the bill. I did some quick math in my head, and the first smile of the night crept across my face. “Hey!” I exclaimed to the few who stayed after to clean up. “We raised almost fifteen hundred dollars towards our class gift!”

Now, you might have a question here. Don’t high school classes give gifts to their school at graduation? Yes, but…

oh no! What happened with heidi esther’s class gift? Read on, brave warrior!

Agreement 2: Don’t take anything personally

Welcome to Heidi Esther’s morning with… the dogs. What will she find on her slipper at the bottom of the stairs???

Welcome back to the SoulSanity Four Agreements Series. These stories show how I, Heidi Esther, work on adopting the Four Agreements. What are The Four Agreements? They are four simple, profound ways you can choose to walk in life that will transform it. Given to us by the wise Don Miguel Ruiz, the second agreement is: Don’t Take Anything Personally.

Agreement 1 / Agreement 2 / Agreement 3 / Agreement 4

A morning fit for a highly intuitive sensitive

A faint whine like a seagull meets my ears. Too early. I roll away from the sound. Soon, a louder whine emerges. Why? I lean up and squint to make out the first number on my clock: five. UGH. I turn on ocean shore background noise to complement the seagull whine coming from my step-dog, Elvis. Like I’m sleepin’ on the beach.

I get a feeling that more seagulls are coming…. read on, wise warrior!

Love and Light Yoga Warrior: Rachel

So, if you touch anyone, just don’t be creepy about it.

Uh-oh! What has Heidi Esther gotten herself into this time? A slice of awesome, that’s what.

Rachel: Well, hello YOU! Come on in! How are you? It’s so good to see you!

A gregarious smile, chunky glasses, and wild, wavy brown hair, greet me as I walk into a local church lobby. I’m hidden in my hoodie, clutching my coffee. Yep, this was worth it.

Well, this rachel sounds pretty interesting. You betcha! Read on for the good stuff!

The Loving Eye of the Heart-i-cane

Wow, Barbara. Your 13-year-old process of deduction while unconscious is most impressive.

Heart Attack Series 2 of 2. Read First Story Here.

4:28 am: The Hospital

We park in the ER lot. We don our masks and walk to the door in the cold, pre-dawn morning. I hold Stacey’s arm in her puffy green coat. Her whole body is trembling.  This is bad.

5 paces in: the Check-in desk. As casually as a conversation about the weather, Stacey is asked her reason for the visit. She nods. I tell the woman her signs of a pre-heart attack. She writes it down on a ledger, types something, and looks back up. Could this woman move any slower?

stacey might die if this woman doesn’t hurry up her cursive!!

Just who do you think you are?

Written in honor of International Women’s Day 2021 #IWD2021 #ChooseToChallenge

Hey amazing soul! You can CLICK HERE to see me read it on Facebook!

I am recovering woman.
  Watching the boys
    following His dreams.
"Wanna hear another dumb blonde joke?" 

I am recovering woman.
   Waiting for husband
     to come home from work
"I cannot live without you."
you bet this is a totally righteous poem! Read on, worthy soul!

Can you Dance in a Heart-i-cane?

What happens when Heidi Esther’s answer for everything – toast – doesn’t solve the problem? What else can she do?

(The Heart Attack Series, 1 of 2. Second Story coming March 10!)

A story, from Barbara

It’s the middle of the night. So, I’m sleeping, right? Minding my own business. Snuggled high in my Ikea loft bed under my Wiener-dog blanket and the crocheted one Stacey made me. She’s my step-mom. I’m thirteen years old. And I’m wearing my striped pajama pants with Christmas chihuahuas if you must know.

That’s when I woke up. From the scratching. What the heck? Like someone’s clawing at my window. I’m not scared; I’m the family member who picks up bugs and puts them back outside. Alive. So, I open my curtains.

what’s outside? read on, brave soul!

Love and Light Warrior: Dixie Elliott

Dixie knew she had more light and love to share. But she did not know the way. Like with many things in her life, God gave her too many nudges to ignore.

Deep in the Heart of Dixie 

“One, two, f-ree, four, nine, ten. Ready or not, Gammie!” bubble from two bright hazel eyes and sandy-brown hair in curly baby piggy-tails. Alice.  

OMG Alice sounds like a little doll! Read on for more cuteness!

A Pocket of Sanity for the New Year!

How is 2021 going to be better? With a Pocket Full of Sanity, of course. by Heidi Esther

How is 2021 Gonna Be Better?

The year stretches gloriously ahead, beckoning you to think about what to make of 2021. Like a stretch of untouched snow begging you to romp and sled and make snow angels.

Oh! I just love fresh snow. I wonder what heidi esther got for me this time!
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