Who Done It?

Are you intrested in a good read? Here are the main characters (albeit a bit older) in my best-selling book, For Cryin’ Out Loud.

Was it Miss Scarlet with the Rope in the Conservatory? Maybe. One of the below players, usually under the alias of Mom, is the prime suspect of most crimes under the kitchen roof. Especially if it involves plant-based food torture for teenagers. Wahahahaha!

read more to learn about the peeps – furry or not!

SuperStep 1: Your Three Legs of Support

Welcome to SuperStep 1: Your Three Legs of Support. The First of Five SuperSteps in the SoulSanity Everyday Superhero Method!

yes, of course there’s a story! read on, curious human!

How I Reprogrammed my Speak and Spell

Why, God, why can’t I just sleep in?

My ears wake to a familiar seagull-like whine. I try not to move in bed, as if my complete stillness can make it go away. Nonetheless, the whine continues.

My step-dog Elvis and his strict wake-up time is the cause of much grief in my world. Say there was a thunderstorm for three hours overnight that felt like God was shining a faulty fluorescent light. And, say Elvis was awake in our bedroom for all those hours. He will still wake up at the same time.

Is Heidi esther’s day, once again, lost to the dogs?

Ready to float downstream in the Rolling Meadows?

ZRRRRRAAAAACCCH. Again, the noise. ZEEEEERRRACH. Again, louder. The noise sounds like it could be harmful.

I’m laying on a patchwork quilt beside a happy little stream where a family of ducks paddles by. Around me are the rolling meadows. Here, the soft grasses are tall, with sweet, little flowers. The early summer sun is gentle and low, yawning and stretching her arms, blanketing a part of the sky in a mellow orange. Which caresses and intertwines fingers with the light blue of the day, like lovers parting.

This place sounds too good to be true… do you think so, too? Read on!

Agreement 2: Don’t take anything personally

Welcome to Heidi Esther’s morning with… the dogs. What will she find on her slipper at the bottom of the stairs???

Welcome back to the SoulSanity Four Agreements Series. These stories show how I, Heidi Esther, work on adopting the Four Agreements. What are The Four Agreements? They are four simple, profound ways you can choose to walk in life that will transform it. Given to us by the wise Don Miguel Ruiz, the second agreement is: Don’t Take Anything Personally.

Agreement 1 / Agreement 2 / Agreement 3 / Agreement 4

A morning fit for a highly intuitive sensitive

A faint whine like a seagull meets my ears. Too early. I roll away from the sound. Soon, a louder whine emerges. Why? I lean up and squint to make out the first number on my clock: five. UGH. I turn on ocean shore background noise to complement the seagull whine coming from my step-dog, Elvis. Like I’m sleepin’ on the beach.

I get a feeling that more seagulls are coming…. read on, wise warrior!

Naptime with the Sweetness

A story about napping sounds lovely. What could possibly go wrong?

The Starting Block

I wipe the corners of my mouth. My half cup of minestrone soup and a half slice of whole wheat bread are but a delicious memory now.  Thank you, the fifth decade of my life, for letting me know that portion-control is a thing.

I have come to that soft, quiet, pause after lunch. The kids are still doing homework. Stacey is reading with her “Come any closer and I’ll punch” Hulk sign up. The sun warms even the floorboards. No thoughts of chugging Diet Cokes or “what should I be doing now?” invade my brain. No, there are more important games afoot…

Sitting at the kitchen table, I can feel it coming. I let it completely envelop me. My body relaxes, agrees. Yes, it’s

ohhh, this sounds nice! can’t you envision some massage music in the background? Read on!

Welcome to the Sweet Life

It’s been two-and-a-half years since our lives changed.

August 2018

Two chestnut-brown eyes gaze into mine. Inches from my face, my heart pounding. My hands, sweaty. Could she be the one? Though I’ve just met her, my heart is swollen with love. In a place I didn’t know was empty; discarded. She is my missing piece.  

Wait a cotton-pickin’ second! Isn’t Heidi esther already married to stacey? What’s going on here?

The Loving Eye of the Heart-i-cane

Wow, Barbara. Your 13-year-old process of deduction while unconscious is most impressive.

Heart Attack Series 2 of 2. Read First Story Here.

4:28 am: The Hospital

We park in the ER lot. We don our masks and walk to the door in the cold, pre-dawn morning. I hold Stacey’s arm in her puffy green coat. Her whole body is trembling.  This is bad.

5 paces in: the Check-in desk. As casually as a conversation about the weather, Stacey is asked her reason for the visit. She nods. I tell the woman her signs of a pre-heart attack. She writes it down on a ledger, types something, and looks back up. Could this woman move any slower?

stacey might die if this woman doesn’t hurry up her cursive!!
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