4 Steps on How to find a career when nothing interests you

Have these words ever graced your big, beautiful brain?  God I don’t know what I want to do with my life? or So, how to find a career when nothing interests you? You, brave, generous soul, are in the right place to find an answer. Heidi Esther is a career coach for women and a certified emotional intelligence life coach with your next 4 moves.

A Story

working woman and mother going mad while sitting with children, wondering is this it and how to find a career when nothing interests you

I sat there, on the floor of Meijer grocery store. You know, that aisle that has all the fish tanks at the back? 

My large, full shopping cart off to one side, a pink bundle of sleepy, slow-drinking baby in my lap. Next to me, my toddler shoveling handfuls of Cheerios into his mouth, staring at the fish. Cheerios spilling everywhere.

I closed my eyes and heard the ice cream dripping from the bottom of the shopping cart. 

But I wasn’t sad or mad. This was my life!  I prevented another complete meltdown. And that’s the exact moment when a familiar thought punched through my mile-long to-do and to-clean and to-care for lists…

Is this it?

I stared at the fish tanks. All those fish, swimming around and around the little castles and fake plants. I wondered if they ever had that question.  

read more of this fishy story, beautiful!

Who Done It?

Are you intrested in a good read? Here are the main characters (albeit a bit older) in my best-selling book, For Cryin’ Out Loud.

Was it Miss Scarlet with the Rope in the Conservatory? Maybe. One of the below players, usually under the alias of Mom, is the prime suspect of most crimes under the kitchen roof. Especially if it involves plant-based food torture for teenagers. Wahahahaha!

read more to learn about the peeps – furry or not!

Discrimination from the most unlikely place (1 of 2)

There is as much love and connectedness at the country club as around my Goodwill-furniture living room.

(Unlikely Discrimination Series 1 of 2. Second story coming July 7) Click Here to Listen to this episode!

“Good morning, Deb. Good morning, Karen. Mornin’ Becky,” my boss says as he racewalks to his office. Various polite versions of Good Morning are said in exchange. He glances at me without saying a word, clutching his coffee. He stops next to my desk, turns his gaze, and peeks into the next office.

not even a hello for Heidi Esther? What is she gonna do? read on, compassionate soul!
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