Why Joyfully Ever After? And why now?

(Why Joyfully Ever After is a continuation of this story.) In a dark and cozy bedroom May 14, 2020:  I wake up for the day. Feels off. What time is it? 4:23 am. How am I awake right now? That’s weird.   I fell back to sleep.  May 15, 2020: I feel great today! Wait. It’s … Continue reading “Why Joyfully Ever After? And why now?”

(Why Joyfully Ever After is a continuation of this story.)

In a dark and cozy bedroom

May 14, 2020:  I wake up for the day. Feels off. What time is it? 4:23 am. How am I awake right now? That’s weird.  

I fell back to sleep. 

May 15, 2020: I feel great today! Wait. It’s still dark. 4:37 am. Hmmm. 

Rolled over. Fell asleep. 

Is this gonna be like groundhog day? maybe. but shorter and at night (spooky) :O

God hides under the kitchen table for 35 years?

this is God.
I’ll be handling all of your problems today.
Have a miraculous day.

Heidi Esther’s negative-ninny mind has got her cornered again. How is she supposed to live when she feels like – she’s – a mistake? She finds an answer under the kitchen table…

8 years ago in a treehouse

I blew my nose in the last kleenex. I sat in a dark corner of my bedroom, my arms hugging my knees. Across from me: a wall of windows. The day was bright. My view was shaded, showing a lush, leafy vista. I pulled my hoodie strings tighter around my head. 

Why was Heidi so sad? It looks like such a nice day outside! Read on to find out…
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