
Yard Sale, brought to you by Impostor Syndrome

I stood there, clutching the fake microphone. The words dripped out of my mouth like cold honey. I could not heat them up, no matter how much I tried. All of the energy I had left pooled in my feet, anchoring me down to sleepy depths.

To try to muster some energy, I started pacing, but the lights in the room reflected upon the words on my pages, making me feel that I couldn’t even see what I was supposed to be talking about. And the longer the cold honey dripped out of my mouth, my throat started to resist speaking. It starting to close like a flower at sunset, closing up shop. I coughed. And soldiered on. 

how is she gonna get out of this one? spoiler alert: she doesn’t!!

When You’re Stuck

What do you do when you’re stuck? Actually, you might not be stuck, you might be full. This story and the following revelation were inspired by 100 coffee dates in 2022 + 2023. Many thanks to the beautiful souls I connected with who were vulnerable enough to share their hopes, struggles, and stories.

How are we so full that we get stuck? That’s weird!

A Gift of Faith and Love

A 1988 middle-school story of the beginnings of my journey to faith and love.

My 12-year-old eyes opened to greet the early dark and quiet of my new-to-me house on a Sunday. Teenage-hood had not set in entirely, and my babysitting gig Saturday night thankfully didn’t go much past 10pm as I was waiting for the toddler’s parents to come home.

read on for a FREEBIE at the end!

What good are savings if you are dying?

I typed this into the chat box, to a message to my wife. No, no, both of us are healthy middle-aged people. Just as tired and achey as the next middle-aged parents, coming to grips with sore hips, backs, and eyes that now need reading glasses. For those minor inconveniences, I am daily grateful. Nothing a little more yoga, patience, and five pairs of expertly-placed reading glasses around the house can’t solve. 

but what is really going on here? Read on, intrepid traveler!

3 minutes to revolutionize your love

Revolutionize your love? It takes three minutes to align with your self and your self-love. Here’s the scoop!

Hello, sweet soul and friend. How are things going? And how are you taking care of your big heart today? For me, it’s been an odd month. Changing schedules, covid outbreaks, clogged drains. In other words, life!

So, schedules. During the past month, I all-but-abandoned a part of my morning routine. Today, I started it up again, and it felt like coming home. To me. To why I love myself. It helps me remember me – ALL of me – when I get lost in productivity, books, helping others, and even house cleaning! Here are three sentences you can write down to wrap yourself in love at the start of every day 🙂

Love-Your-Infinite-Self Morning Routine 👇

click to get the three phrases!

Ready for a Midlife Makeover? (Time sensitive)

Hello, amazing human! So, here’s what’s coming up! I’m super excited to be speaking at the Midlife Makeover Festival – a unique FREE online conference for women who want to cruise through midlife feeling stronger, confident, and fulfilled!

And, my beautiful friend, you’re invited!

click to get the deets!

Truth Bombs & Heart Nudges

Hello, my dear! How are you and how is your heart today? Have you had a chance to enjoy yourself in this moment, yet? Or are you checking email while cooking, brushing your teeth, and trying to tell your spouse coffee is done with airplane lander signals? I hear ya.

man, i’m already tired from that first sentence. how can heart nudges help?

Do you want some Effortless Vitality? Ask Sharon.

GUEST POST! Effortless vitality. Sounds too good to be true? Well, one amazing soul would beg to differ. When Sharon Rolph retired, she went from invisible to the Queen of Courage. And she wrote this post today to share some of her best tips. Sit back and cuddle in some inspiration from this Love and Light Warrior!

Before we get started on a lovely piece from this Essence and Retirement Coach, I wanted to share some art that Sharon creates to give you a taste of her effortless vitality, straight from her heart and sewing machine! Enjoy!

click to read sharon’s message for you!
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