
hi, beautiful! How to confidently deal with Life’s Transitions

A story, a hug, and a storytelling invite generous and hardworking helpers can use to confidently navigate life’s transitions.

Don’t want to read the story? Skip to Your HUG and a Storytelling Prompt!

Does any of this sound familiar?
dawn man love people

“I just feel like a part of me no longer fits with my life.”

“I’m grieving…everything (climate change, my kid graduating kindergarten, divorce, loss of a friend, the body I once had…)”

“I’m exhausted and can’t keep up with everything and everyone. Where will I find the time?”

“Is this it?” – a small voice inside of you

If so, you might be in – or close to – a time of change in your life. Take heart, beautiful, generous soul, you can learn to navigate them with grace and ease. Here’s an example of life’s transitions on my side of the fence

during times of transition, you can still flourish.
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