When Emotional Tsunamis hit your fan…

Staring at the horizon above the meadow at a tree-lined subdivison, my anger smokes out my fingertips. My body is in a yoga pose, called Warrior Two. Which always looks to me like an archer stance, ready for battle.

oooh! This sounds tough. Let’s go.

So, I didn’t know I was IN a closet…

Yes, I’m not going to pay $25 for two Panera Salads for lunch for someone I don’t like!

Playdate Gone South

She slammed a door in my face! 

Mary, my best friend. 

I just couldn’t believe it – I froze.  I don’t know if the source of our toddlers’ fight was my son or her daughter. Whatever. That was bullshit. 

For the record, no friend has ever slammed a door in my face. 

seriously, i made 3 new year’s resolutions to be a better friend. see what – or who – knocks on heidi’s door next!
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