What to do with your anger. Ice Skate?

Hello, virtual neighbor! What’s happening your way these days? How are you taking care of your big, beautiful heart? The past five days, I’ve been home with my family because of a snow storm. So, you guessed it, I had to break out the doorknockers.

But, it didn’t matter. I woke up steaming mad on the fifth day. mean, the five of us had been home for five days with Not. One. Fun. Time. together. Unless you count shoveling. (which I don’t) I did review the personality types for all of us, and I concluded that I might be the only family member who gets a lot out of family time. (I’m an extroverted enneagram 2, after all.)

The day before, I tried to get my fam to go outside and build a snowman, complete with serenade. No happy scarf-covered faces greeted me, however.

So, in my anger, I did something that is always uncomfortable, but helpful. I meditated and wrote. (Like my process in The Freedom Shower.) I realized that I was placing too much of my happiness on whole-family happiness. So I decided to fill my own cup first and give my family-time post it note expectations. (I’m diving head-first into The Tao Te Ching, if you want to know.)

But, the tension still remained like a heavy brace anchored into my back. Weighing down my whole day. My tone of voice bordered on impolite. We came up with a new plan for a family activity: Ice Skating. I was not exactly looking forward to it, though.

Once I found myself alone, making quiet, happy laps on the ice, I knew I found the answer. My soggy mask let me know I was completing my stress cycle. And I enjoyed the rest of my day. Well, mostly.

So, beautiful friend, may you learn to pause, listen and be grateful for your anger. Because it is a teacher, though impatient it may be. And may you find the time to let it teach you, and work it out, back to its peaceful slumber.

TL; DR >> From Angry Hulk to Calm Human

The Plan: Make a DoorKnocker. Meditate. Freedom Shower. Release Expectations. Complete the Stress Cycle.

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Author: Heidi Esther

Swimmer, cheerleader from the South Side. Three bros, mom and dad Can bait my own hook. Civil Engineer- turned-fundraiser. Mamma of two lights Everyday blessed. Divorce, job loss, plus codependence, Woman- loving-woman awakening. Boundaries, Forgiveness, Patience, & Grace. Today, Tomorrow, New chances for life.

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