Ukraine: What can you do?

Hello, beautiful. How are you, and how are you taking care of yourself these days? I have one word for you today. Ukraine. Have you been following the news? I know, even for me, who doesn’t watch much news, the crisis in Ukraine is filling up the corners of my heart’s attention.

Denis, the person who compiled my audiobook, lives in Ukraine. His house and the city where he lives, Kharkiv, are in ruins. He’s evacuating his family to a different city now. I know from the news that he, as an able-bodied man, may have to fight if things get worse.

I also know Denis is a lot like me, a deep-feeler. In the acknowledgements of my book, he shared the following: An important part of my morning is to stare thoughtlessly at the sky for a moment. You can always bribe me with a sensitive conversation.

Let’s just say he’s a lover, not a fighter. The prospect of him fighting deeply saddens me.

So, I had a battle with myself this weekend, as I became more glued to my news feed. I sat down in a quiet space, closed my eyes, and listened to my body. I asked myself the questions that fought me.

Is it selfish to go about my day? To enjoy myself? To take care of myself and family? Selfish to strive to do my best in my little corner of the world? Selfish to feel the deep grief and rage that come up and letting that be enough?

The answer came immediately.

No, it’s how you live.

So, I am feeling, caring, dreaming, and letting the rest go.

And my beautiful soul and friend, I want to share how I keep afloat in these bumpy times. It’s a process I stumbled through and now rely on every day. A process that helped moved me from migraine-ridden human-doing to heart-centered human being.

  1. Ground yourself – find the element that soothes you – water, earth, fire, or big sky. Feel the sun on your cheek, the grass between your toes, the water in the bathtub, watch the incense burn. Get to a place where you feel soothed and connected. Relaxed.
  2. Feel your feelings in your body – don’t let your brain rationalize them away this is no big deal or busy yourself I’m gonna organize the kitchen today. Write them out, cry them dry.
  3. Take care of yourself – sleep, nap, eat well, laugh, turn off the news feed, pet your dog.
  4. Move the stress from your body. Workout, hug or kiss someone, walk, hit a punching bag.
  5. Let go of everything you don’t have direct control over.
  6. Let in the love and compassion for yourself and others.

The result: you at your fullest will be able to breathe in harmony and flow and exhale the discord.

Or you can be like Denis, stare at the sky in wonder or have a vulnerable conversation with a friend.

And if you’d like a lighthearted convo about feelings, check out this week’s episode of Live with Heidi and Heather, where we talk about The Feelings Parfait.

Sending you love, light, breath, and laughter, Heidi Esther

PS Can you help? I need early readers of my book who are willing to read it now and then buy/download it on launch day. Launch day is 3.30. Let me know if you would be willing to do that for me! Email me at ho***@he*********.com for deets!

Listen to Live With Heidi and Heather on Apple Podcasts, OR

Watch Episode 008: How to eat your feeling
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Author: Heidi Esther

Swimmer, cheerleader from the South Side. Three bros, mom and dad Can bait my own hook. Civil Engineer- turned-fundraiser. Mamma of two lights Everyday blessed. Divorce, job loss, plus codependence, Woman- loving-woman awakening. Boundaries, Forgiveness, Patience, & Grace. Today, Tomorrow, New chances for life.


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AND you're Crazy Busy. Burnt out. Exhausted.

You know you deserve more.

Here's #Truth on 5 Lies that Block You from your Joyful, Rested Life.

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