You are a Rock Star. So, why don’t you feel it?

Read on for your rock star guide, beautiful!

I stared up at the stage, in awe, gratitude, and wonder. TV screens one hundred feet tall flanked the stage, creating live music videos of her performance, as she sang. She sang of jealousy. Of rage. Of abandonment. Of being an outsider. In between songs, she talked of motherhood and how people accuse her of having a secret penis.

At the end of two hours and over fifteen outfit changes, she sang while doing flips in a harness attached to a system that lifted her peter-pan style to the corners of a filled Major League baseball stadium. 🤯


During this performance, in over one hundred degree heat, I danced, massaged my sore legs, drank an inordinate amount of water, and basked in the glow of my wife, shining and radiant. However, If I’d gone to this experience just a few years ago, the key words would have been oppressive, loud, frustrated, painful, and tired.

But a lot has happened inside between then and now. Especially two key words. What are they? Well, answer coming…

So, we call famous people peculiar and eccentric. We think we’re sooooo different. But, maybe outside of the economics, we’re not. Maybe…

We are all weird and eccentric.

The difference? They have fully incorporated and radically accepted (<-THE ANSWER) their strange beautiful. Some people call it their shadow selves. No matter what it’s called, they bring these dark pieces of themselves into the light, for all to see. And we love them for it. Let me rephrase: our strange, sad, raging, queer, misunderstood, hidden peculiar parts feel not as alone. We feel more whole when we see the strangeness up there.

Seeing them gives us hope that we, too, aren’t broken. That we, too, have peculiar genius. That we, too, can love our whole selves into the light.

And the real magic?

These rock stars surround themselves with those who love and support their entire essence, too. They have turned their kryptonite into superpower. And have support doing it. Let me repeat that: The rock stars find people who don’t cut them down for being different. Who help lift them up because of it.

I stood there, closed my eyes, and soaked in the love. Over forty thousand humans, practicing radical love and acceptance and support of one another and the peculiar, eccentric rock star.

I felt kinship to everyone in the stadium, even the Rock Star. Not better, not worse, just awe and love. In my own way, I felt like my own kinda rock star.

And for you, dear beautiful, weird, in-progress, divine soul?

What about you? Do you wake up feeling like a rock star? If not, how are your dark pieces? Are you done with beating yourself up yet about what you need to improve or change? Are you ready to love yourself into the light, so you can enjoy your time on this spinning rock to the fullest? Are you ready to see what radical acceptance can do for you? Are you ready to clear away the busyness, turmoil, and pressures to make more room for Your Joyfully Ever After?

Seriously, what do you want your life to look like? To feel like? Do you have unconditional support + radical acceptance of all of you? Intuition? Resilience? Badass boundaries? Let’s chat to see if I am the right person to walk with you.

Go here to book a 30 min Joy Discovery chat with me. Sending love and hugs to all the magnificent rock star brilliance that you are.

with love, light, and flippin’ joyfully ever afters,

Heidi Esther

PS P!nk vid 👇

Author: Heidi Esther

Swimmer, cheerleader from the South Side. Three bros, mom and dad Can bait my own hook. Civil Engineer- turned-fundraiser. Mamma of two lights Everyday blessed. Divorce, job loss, plus codependence, Woman- loving-woman awakening. Boundaries, Forgiveness, Patience, & Grace. Today, Tomorrow, New chances for life.

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