Life Coaching FAQs

Here are some Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs). If you have more specific questions, sign up for a Joy Chat on my calendar here.

TL;DR: Life Coaching For Women. What will we talk about? You’ll get tools to…

🧰 Lovingly Leave the tasks and people who drain you 

🧰 Dismantle the committee in your head and replace it with compassion

🧰 Develop intuition for Confident Decisions through the three centers of intelligence

🧰 Release past guilt and regrets

🧰 Develop nurturing relationships with people who don’t keep you in a box

🧰 #FounderMindset: Bounce back quickly from failure with compassion and with more knowledge to move forward

🧰 Unstuck yourself from annoyances that used to derail you for days on end

🧰 Stop worrying about disappointing those you care about 

🧰 Radically Accept and enJoy where you’re at, every day 

🧰 Trust and Believe in how you were BRILLIANTLY made  

Other questions…

Is Life Coaching like Therapy? Yes and no. Yes, in that both modalities of support will hold you in understanding how you’re feeling and where you are at. No, in that Coaching works with you now, to create more of what you want in the future. Therapy diagnoses and treats mental illnesses and disorders and helps you understand what happened and how it affected you now.

What does a typical coaching session look like? It looks like a safe, supported environment where the Coach is fully-present, empathetically and strategically listening to what is being said and felt – under your words. I, your teddy bear and accountability buddy, will provide different perspectives, strategies, and reflect your brilliance back to you. So you get you where YOU want to go.

Do you have a specific process? As a Joy Coach, I come with hundreds of tools, from my experience in Co-Active Coaching, my certification as an Emotional Intelligence Life Coach, and through my life transformation that led me to develop the Goldfish Authentic Leadership Framework. In each coaching session, however, I listen to understand which question, tool, or process might uncover some clarity or release a block that is keeping you from joy. I meet you where you are at, every session. 💕

How long does it take? Can you meet in the evenings? A typical session is 1 hour. I have 6 session and 10 session starting packages. Most clients choose to meet every other week or every week, depending on your bandwidth. Yes, I have evening openings.

In person or Online? If you are local to Champaign-Urbana, I am flexible to meet you in person – either at the Library or a Coffee Shop, or even at your house (as long as you don’t have cats; I’m allergic). Otherwise, we will meet via Google Meet.

6-Session Packages provide transformation for those who want to alleviate a specific pain and feel more joy, ease, and flow. Also for those who are unsure of the process.

10-session Packages are more effective in alleviating the pain AND starting to integrate more of your unique Brilliance in your life. Great for Helping Professionals, Entrepreneurs, Business Owners, Women who feel they are missing something key about themselves.

What if I need to reschedule? I have No-Fee Generous Rescheduling of your sessions anytime within a calendar month. And you can reschedule them at your leisure!

What’s the goal of Coaching? That’s something that You decide. We will sit down and You get to share what needs to change or what you want to accomplish, in one of our first sessions together. I will hold your goal as the BIG “A” Agenda in all of our sessions.

How do I know if I need help? My questions to you are: Do you love your life? Do you find balance and fulfillment on the daily? Are you unafraid to go after what you want? If you answered NO to any of those, then Joy Coaching would work for you.

What if it doesn’t work? have a 30-day or two session 100% Money Back Guarantee.

Can I continue after my first 6 or 10 sessions? YES! I have ongoing month-to-month coaching packages 🙂

What are the real details? You can find my general Coaching Guidelines here.

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