Coaching Guidelines & Agreement

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WELCOME! I have positive expectations for a coaching relationship that helps you to create the life you want to live. To partner together professionally, I want you to be familiar with the following guidelines.

Terms of Coaching. I invite you to think of coaching as a process. Many people want to create change for themselves in a short time; however, to refine and sustain the change takes several months. So, other than my Laser Sessions, each coaching process starts with a 3-month commitment on the part of both of Coach and Client.

FEES. Each coaching package will explicitly explain the fees per package, month, or Session, and will be received by the first day of the month or on the day of scheduling the Laser Session. For Individual Coaching Packages, The fee for the initial month is due 7 days before the initial session. For more on coaching fees, please consult your individual contract. For other items, go to

Procedure. Day and time of sessions will be agreed upon and scheduled ahead of time. We will meet at a pre-disclosed location – online or in person – at the agreed upon time.

Changes and Cancellations. I understand that life happens! If the Client needs to reschedule an appointment, they have anytime within that calendar month to do so, even if it’s the day of the session. There are no rescheduling fees. Clients may reschedule using the link through What’s App or Links sheet in your Private Client Portal, or the Portal at Heidi at any time. Because of this flexibility and to honor the commitment both the Client and Coach to the Client’s goals, there are no cancellations.

No Show. If Client do not show up for a scheduled Session and has not communicated they will not be there via WhatsApp, email, via phone, or text, the Session will not be made up.

Ongoing Client Bonus. Following the initial coaching package period, there is one absence with fee waived approved per every 6 months of sessions.

Referral Bonus. For every new Client who signs up for individual coaching that Clients refer, they will receive a complimentary session to be used within that Calendar year.

Coaching Extension. Following the initial coaching package period (3 months, 6 months, or 9 months) it may be extended on a month-to-month basis with mutual agreement of both parties.

  • Monthly Contract. Once a Client is on the monthly contract, they agree to give Coach 2 weeks notice if they will be terminating their monthly contract; otherwise, their contract will be extended another month whether or not they intend to use the next month’s sessions.
  • Early. Should the Client or the Coach determine that insufficient progress or cooperation exists before or during the initial 30-day period, or two sessions, whichever comes first, either party may cancel this agreement with 100% money back guarantee.
  • In Progress. Should the Client or Coach determine that insufficient progress or cooperation exists after the initial 30 days but before the contract is complete, then either party may cancel this agreement minus full payment for the period to date + $300 fee. Cancellations must be in writing via email.

Confidentiality. The Coach recognizes that certain information of a confidential manner may be relayed during either regular or Laser Coaching sessions. The Coach will not at any time, either directly or indirectly, use this information for the Coach’s benefit or disclose said information to anyone else without specific Client approval (excludes disclosure of illegal or unethical activities).

Nature of Relationship. The coach has a background and expertise in storytelling, resilience, emotional intelligence, authenticity work, mindfulness, marketing, poetry, and relationship building. The client has been made aware that the COACHING RELATIONSHIP IS IN NO WAY TO BE CONSIDERED OR CONSTRUED AS PSYCHOLOGICAL COUNSELING OR ANY TYPE OF THERAPY.

The Client has also been made aware that coaching results cannot be guaranteed. The Client agrees that they are entering into coaching with. the understanding that they are responsible for their own results. The Client also agrees to hold the Coach free of all liability and responsibility for any adverse situations created as a direct or indirect result of specific referral or advice given by the Coach.

Problems. If I ever say or do anything that upsets you or doesn’t feel right, please bring it to my attention so that we can resolve it as soon as possible. My objective is to create a relationship that is fully open, safe, real, and trusting.

I look forward to working with you to make your heart sing and your life shine! ๐Ÿ’• โ˜€๏ธ

Course Terms and agreements ๐Ÿ‘‡

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