What good are savings if you are dying?

I typed this into the chat box, to a message to my wife. No, no, both of us are healthy middle-aged people. Just as tired and achey as the next middle-aged parents, coming to grips with sore hips, backs, and eyes that now need reading glasses. For those minor inconveniences, I am daily grateful. Nothing a little more yoga, patience, and five pairs of expertly-placed reading glasses around the house can’t solve. 

but what is really going on here? Read on, intrepid traveler!

Living Guilt Free

I sat there, yesterday, on my bed. My hot laptop staring right at me. My legs aching from laying flat; my middle-aged back screaming “you know, you have a desk for work now!”

But my stomach and head weren’t listening, despite the nagging. It had been three hours since my last break. All was well. All my tabs closed, well, except….
Except my personal email tab. The purple outline of my google chrome browser was still open at top of my screen, haunting me.

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