(Poem) You are Lovable, Loving, and Loved

I wrote Lovable, Loving, and Loved for you. For all the beautiful, hard-working, helping, brilliant Yous within. For all the sometimes messy, anxious, infuriated, depressed, over-worked, tired Yous within. May you take time every day to rejoice and replenish the timeless, worthy soul who is you.

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Love and Light Warrior: Dixie Elliott

Dixie knew she had more light and love to share. But she did not know the way. Like with many things in her life, God gave her too many nudges to ignore.

Deep in the Heart of Dixie 

“One, two, f-ree, four, nine, ten. Ready or not, Gammie!” bubble from two bright hazel eyes and sandy-brown hair in curly baby piggy-tails. Alice.  

OMG Alice sounds like a little doll! Read on for more cuteness!
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