So, I disappointed my wife…

A story (Yes, I disappointed my wife, it’s true) that leads to the magical elixir that will keep You from feeling guilt AND will pave the way for you to shine as bright as a galaxy!

 I push off the edge of the pool – for I am not one for diving in – and glide to the bottom. The could-be-warmer water hits my body, sending goose bumps full-length. Thank god I haven’t shaved in awhile, because I would have to do it again. I glide down to the bottom of the crystalline sunlit-swimming lane, my hands in front of me, gliding, feeling the tile center line. My legs and arms in the breaststroke (yes, it’s always been my favorite 😉 propelling me along until my lungs tell me it’s time.

I push up from the center and am eye level with the water line. Each stroke of my arms creates a silver ripple lining between air and water. A silver as the new hand that Voldemort creates for Wormtail – without any of the creepy servitude. Each breath I exhale into the water, I am closer to me, closer to God.

I am so happy, I could die in here.

This is what I feel every time I swim.

And I would not have been able to have my first two swims of the summer if I hadn’t been brave enough. Brave enough to disappoint my wife.

You see, this weekend we planned to go to the beach with our dogs. We had the AirBnB all reserved. Laundry list of items needed for dog comfort. I woke up, the day before departure, with a voice in my head. Asking me “what do I want to accomplish on this weekend?” So, because I’m curious, I sat down and wrote. Writing, time alone, sleeping in, preparing for a busy next week. I sat and did a visualization of what that would look like at the beach. An image of a former-me emerged, less patient, more poky, and resentful. Hell no I’m not going. I remember that trip, I ruined my time AND my wife’s time.

With a heavy heart, I told my wife. I completely disappointed her. The amazing thing? Instead of guilt, I had a dreamy calmness inside of me.

I had a magical solo weekend, full of writing, dog walks at sunset, and silvery swims. Exactly what I needed to restore my shininess.

So, I gonna be honest with you, there’s NO WAY IN HELL I would have had that convo if I didn’t know about my shininess. Disappointing other people is about the worst kind of thing I could think of happening to me. I’d easily rather sit outside naked in a snowstorm in Russia, if you catch my drift.

Yes, my former-self would have gone to the beach because I felt I should. And resented it. I could have ruined two weekends for the price of one.

How was I so brave? I knew there is something big inside of me – AND HELL YES it’s inside of you, too – that’s worth uncovering. That’s worth the time. That shields you from guilt.

What is this magical Elixir? Your Joy.

That’s why I made Peeling Your Onion. Because you ain’t gonna get this crazy-mad-in-love with yourself and your life without first getting a taste of all the awesome. So, whadda ya say? Wanna take a little trip to Joysville with me? It’s an action-packed 4-weeks of storytelling and other fun exercises to get you the mad skills you need to venture towards your shiny.

If you’re not sure, take the Peeling Your Onion 4-min Quiz first!

Or check out PYO today & sign-up!

When and where are the classes?

  • VIRTUAL EXPERIENCE: Noon-1 Central: FOUR Thursdays 6/2, 6/9, 6/16, 6/23
  • IN-PERSON EXPERIENCE: 6-7pm Central at Champaign Public Library 6/2, 6/9, 6/16, 6/23

Send me questions! Classes start THIS THURSDAY!

sending you love, light, and the shininess of a galaxy,

Heidi Esther

Author: Heidi Esther

Swimmer, cheerleader from the South Side. Three bros, mom and dad Can bait my own hook. Civil Engineer- turned-fundraiser. Mamma of two lights Everyday blessed. Divorce, job loss, plus codependence, Woman- loving-woman awakening. Boundaries, Forgiveness, Patience, & Grace. Today, Tomorrow, New chances for life.

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