Revolutionize your love? It takes three minutes to align with your self and your self-love. Here’s the scoop!
Hello, sweet soul and friend. How are things going? And how are you taking care of your big heart today? For me, it’s been an odd month. Changing schedules, covid outbreaks, clogged drains. In other words, life!
So, schedules. During the past month, I all-but-abandoned a part of my morning routine. Today, I started it up again, and it felt like coming home. To me. To why I love myself. It helps me remember me – ALL of me – when I get lost in productivity, books, helping others, and even house cleaning! Here are three sentences you can write down to wrap yourself in love at the start of every day
Love-Your-Infinite-Self Morning Routine
1) Affirmation. I write down an affirmation on how I want to be. This loves my future self and keeps me focused on the me I want to become!
2) Pride. I write down something I’m proud of doing yesterday. This loves my past self and keeps me taking courageous steps forward that I will continue to be proud of.
- If I can’t think of anything, then that could be a sign I’m too complacent/comfortable and need to try new things. In this case, I write down a tiny, brave intention for my day.
- Or it could be a sign that I’m not happy with myself. If this happens, I reflect on what I can’t let go and decide to forgive myself. If you can’t let something go, you can’t move forward. Kinda like you can’t venture into the wide blue ocean if you’re still tied up at the dock.
3) Gratitude. I write down something specific I’m grateful for and why. This loves my present self and keeps me experiencing joy and life where I’m at, no matter if it’s dealing with teenager or entrepreneur meltdowns
So, there you have it! A little bit of my secret-morning-sauce that clears my decks for feeling joy, every day. You wanna know what goes great with this sauce? A dive into the main dish that is YOU and your big, purposeful joy.
Yep, you guessed it, Peeling Your Onion will be back and better than before! More on that soon. Want to know if you’re a fit? You can always take the quiz here!
Until then, sending you much past, present, and future love,
Heidi Esther
PS Want a taste of 30 other change makers’ secret sauces? Sign up for the free Midlife Makeover Summit taking place this week, August 8-14, 2022!