
Photos courtesy of the fabulous 3M Agency


Why Joy is important – Wellness Driven Life

that’s what she said – behind the story

that’s what she said – Sleepless in Champaign

Writer’s Workshop: The Unusual Key to Success as a Writer

Click here for the workbook

finding joy as a creative + business owner

Dawn, my writing coach for my first book, and I share about the process of writing, what it took for me to launch a best seller, and share some laughs. Watch here.

Truth Bombs and Heart Nudges

The Imperfect Moms Club

A convo with two beautiful awakening souls about how, YOU can find Your Joy. Not your partner’s. Not your kids’. Your Very Own.

Why curiosity is criticalFit for Joy

Valeria and I chat about dancing and cultivating Curiosity. Why does it matter? Find out! Listen in here!

My Dead Dragon Podcast Interview

For Cryin’ Out Loud feature with Stephanie Treasure

I went live on Facebook with the empowering Stephanie Treasure to share what I learned in my new book!

What can you do with anger?

What I did the last time I woke up full of grump-i-tude.

Heather Kokx is a Love and Light Warrior, Happiness Expert, Yoga instructor, Enneagram Coach, Energy Worker, and all-around cool Colorado-ian. Yep, the whole package. Check her out here!

is shame ruining your life?

are you in the closet + what to do about it

Pieces of my lesbian journey + how we all come out of the closet. Enjoy!

I was honored to share the space with Deb and Richonda. Richonda is a badass, thoughtful woman of faith, with a powerful story and message to share.
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