Becoming Abundance, a conversation

Laurie and I came together for a conversation about her Becoming Abundance book. And BIG Love. And Teddy Bears. Below the PDF is the video!

READ the PDF (times correspond to the times in the podcast!)

What’s Becoming Abundance all about?

Becoming abundance is about embracing all that you are and stepping into the brilliance that is you. Becoming abundance is a constant state of flow. It is continuous growth. You are always becoming something. You are always learning and always moving toward something. To stay in the state of flow where you are bringing forth what you actually want, you have to know what you want. In order to stay in this flow of abundance, you must know yourself. Stop trying to be like everyone else and start becoming who you were created to become.

This book is about how to embrace and enhance your unique design by understanding the uniqueness that is you. If you are not seeing amazing things in your life, it is time to understand your own power and ability to bring forth what you want on purpose. You have the ability to harness your own gifts and walk with purpose. You decide what your life looks like. You are who you are looking for. Step into your abundance and change your life. It all begins and ends with you. Are you ready?

Her book is available for purchase HERE.

The SoulJourner QUESTion

Laurie is a powerful, simple, and transformational writer. Her book outlines all the steps you need to bravely forage through the forest of your heart and let it shine through. Told in Four Agreements-style, her book is compassionate, vulnerable and the kick-in-the-pants every soul needs to understand how to welcome positive Abundance in their lives. Will you see what Becoming Abundance means for you?

Author: Heidi Esther

Swimmer, cheerleader from the South Side. Three bros, mom and dad Can bait my own hook. Civil Engineer- turned-fundraiser. Mamma of two lights Everyday blessed. Divorce, job loss, plus codependence, Woman- loving-woman awakening. Boundaries, Forgiveness, Patience, & Grace. Today, Tomorrow, New chances for life.

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