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Meet Heidi Esther, Joyologist. If Mister Rogers and Captain Marvel had a baby who loved baking chocolate chip cookies, it would be her.

What’s a Joyologist, you ask? Someone who empowers hardworking, generous helpers to Liberate their Joy. And what does that look like? Learning to be the confident, authentic leader you were born to be! Yes, Heidi believes you can be a helper and a leader, too! 

Heidi Esther is a Certified Emotional Intelligence Life Coach, Professional Speaker, and best selling Author who leverages her expertise in relationship building, storytelling, mindfulness and personal transformation to help you create a life of Joy that you deserve!

Heidi’s story started with trying to be the perfect mom, then she fell into a decade in what she calls “life’s fun house.” Think Divorce. Codependence. Perfectionism. Mid-life Awakening. Unemployment. She learned, stumbled, and grew. At the end, she discovered something miraculous! Her Peculiar Genius and, YES, her Joy!

She practices being a grateful human being with her prankster wife, two eye-rolling teenagers, and two lucky dogs. When she doesn’t have her head in the clouds or a motivational book, she can be found sharing coffee with friends, writing bad poetry, or meditating under her favorite blankie.

If you’re a helper who’s ready to unearth your Peculiar Genius and confidently Lead yourself to a Joyful Life, then Heidi Esther, is here to walk with you.

Start your journey to joy today by learning The 5 Lies (you believe) that keep you from Joy.

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For Cryin’ Out Loud Book Cover

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For Cryin’ Out Loud Interview sheet

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