About me + About You

It’s an honor and delight to meet You, Brilliant soul! 🌟 Here’s a little more about what you can find here from this Joyologist and Emotional Intelligence Coach and Professional.

If you are ready to help leverage your Authentic Peculiar Genius to create more Joy, you’re in the right place. Now, let’s talk Transformational Life Coaching

My Promise to You

Three joyful women walking on the street after seeing their emotional intelligence coach (female empowerment coach) who gave them transformational life coaching. Are you ready to for Your true north Discover your Authentic Leadership!

What do I know about You?

πŸ’• You can generously love and take care of others and yourself, too.

πŸ’• You are a Beautiful and Divine creation. A one-of-one experience .

πŸ’• You are Creative, Resourceful, and Whole.

πŸ’• You Deserve Joy, too!

πŸ’• You are Worthy of a Life where you THRIVE. Not just survive.

πŸ’• You have a Peculiar Genius. YES! You’re quirky and BRILLIANT ✨

πŸ’• Inside that big-hearted helper lies a Courageous and Authentic Leader, ready to create her own kind of magic in our world πŸͺ„

πŸ’• You have the answers inside. Sometimes you need support, a safe space, and a some new tools to transform your old thought patterns into a highway for Joy!

How my Emotional Intelligence Coach superpowers can help Beautiful You and Your Organization

Certified Emotional Intelligence Coach. As a Life Coach, I help you unearth, reframe, and help you build intuition, confidence, and unearth your true, joyful Authentic Leader.

Professional Relationship Builder: I have two decades of professional experience in adaptive communication and creating safe transformational spaces.

Empathetic Cheerleader. Empathy and Positivity are two of my top Clifton Strengths. As an enneagram 2, I intuit what you need in the moment. My big heart brings compassion and optimism, amidst your challenge. This creates an empowering space for you to look past your criticism to meet your current self and find your next steps.

Personal Development Strategist. Strategy is my #2 Clifton Strength. I can look to where you want to go and see the most efficient way to get you there. My proven signature Goldfish Authentic Leadership Framework is full of empowerment, resilience, support, emotional intelligence, and authenticity-building strategies, games, and tools.

Brave Authenticity. I share my wacky, sometimes painful true stories to let you know that YOU ARE ALSO Creative, Resourceful, and Whole. Amidst all the mess and challenge. Yep, You’re perfect. 🌟

RESULTS: I have empowered hundreds of entrepreneurs and helping professionals to become the Leaders they were born to be. I trust this so completely, that my coaching has a 30 day money back guarantee. But don’t take my word for it, here are some things people have said after working with me.

Before I was an Emotional Intelligence Coach

When I was a momma of two littles, I was often exhausted and alone. Stretched thin. Suffering frequent migraines. Full of guilt over not being able to do enough for those I love. For my family and job. For my community.

But that didn’t bother me enough to help myself…

UNTIL I woke up to an unsafe life.

As someone who had everything planned out, who prided herself on surviving her days and giving back to her community, life falling apart was not part of my plan.

I went on a journey through some tough stuff – divorce, depression, unemployment, a mid-life awakening. I kept coming back and figuring out more things out. I peeled my proverbial onion. Yep, all the messiness. All while breaking records and reaching new milestones as a Relationship Building Professional.

And, in the heart of the pandemic shutdown, I discovered that I was living my most joyful life! Amidst the tough stuff. Even with Bangs πŸ˜‰

In reality, I had activated my inner Authentic Leader. Then, I noticed a pattern with others. And created my (now proven) Goldfish Authentic Leadership Framework.

Next came publishing a book, speaking, and then becoming A Certified Emotional Intelligence Coach.

Alternatively, you could say I’m what would happen if Captain Marvel and Mister Rogers had a baby who loved baking chocolate chip cookies. Welcome to my neighborhood.
And welcome to…

Your life, transformed

Some of my coachees call me their female empowerment coach. As empowerment is the first (and thus, most important) Discipline in Goldfish Authentic Leadership, I heartily agree. As a certified emotional intelligence coach, I am here to share that emotions play a big part in your life, your Intelligence, and your decision making.

Most importantly? To come to the realization that You are worthy of Joy. And MORE. So. Much. More.

You are worthy of a life you Adore. A life that brings you Joy. That’s why I only work with Helpers who are ready to stop being second-class citizens in their lives and are ready to claim their confidence, calm, and space in this world.

woman smiling in garden with tall pink flowers

If you are ready to follow your True North, Discover your Authentic Leadership, then let’s chat.

RANDOM NOTES ABOUT ME: I’m an ENFJ, Si on the disc, Enneagram SO 2W3 (The Hostess), Highly Sensitive, Human Design 4/6 Reflector, degreed engineer, Leo-Sun / Scorpio-Moon / Capricorn-Rising. Yes, I do love baking chocolate chip cookies. My 5 Clifton Strengths? Empathy, Strategy, Connectedness, Positivity, and Communication.

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